三亚环球大剧院 位于酒店三楼,是按照国际环球小姐大赛场地设计建造的可同时容纳1,200人及6个豪华贵宾包厢的大剧院是海南最大的环球剧场。精心推出集百余名国内外一流的艺术家共同演出的大型主题音乐舞蹈剧。旨在借鉴“国际多种风情”的旅游文化模式为旅游观光者提供一个观赏“热带岛屿风情和现代文化”的娱乐场所;同时,可为大型国际、国内会议提供会展中心。 Located on 3rd floor. It is the biggest indoors-universal theatre. It is designed according to the standard of Universal Miss Pageant’s requirements. It seats 1200 persons and has 6 luxury rooms. Over hundreds of first class artists from domestic and abroad perform large-scale theme musical dance drama. It is a good chance to understand tropical island culture and customs, meantime it is also an ideal place to hold international and domestic meeting.